Saturday, 10 August 2013

Job Interview

Attended an interview this week in central London, the interview was with the Regional Human Resources Director of a large multi-National hotel company. Arrived on time, parked and approached reception. "hello how can i help you today", bubbly girl with a great smile, "yes, i have an appointment with this person", "is she staying with us" "no it is a business meeting". The receptionist went to the back office and quickly returned. "we don’t know who this is, what company is she with". Sigh, "this person is the hotel companies Head of HR UK and Ireland. "really was the reply" "yep" "OK" and another trip to back office. i then wandered to lobby area for a few minutes and was asked to take a seat. Before i could cross my legs the interviewer appeared. Hello and welcome please do come this way. We took the lift to the first floor, a quick hello to the guests we passed in the corridor (hope to score some customer service points) and into a small meeting room. Was offered tea and a cookie, just took the tea. So off we go, "so why join this company, what interested you in this job". Fair enough question and i gave the expected answer. We then got on to more of tell me about yourself and let me explain about the recruitment process, the job and the company. 25 minutes i was out the door, thank you we will let you know. The interviewer had a refreshing style and I was pleased that it was someone who had something about them as all too often it is a junior person, I say junior as in they don’t have any experience interviewing an experienced HR practioner and ask some basic questions and then can’t handle the answer. I was recently asked how I motivate my team; I said I usually use the Victor Varoom principle and explained his theory. This was met with “what is he talking about written all over the interviewers face”. After giving a few examples she then didn’t know what to ask next. (didn’t get the job as I was “Too experienced for the role” more like “we couldn’t handle you as you know more than me”) . Not sure if this is me being cynical, or just a grumpy old man? This interview seemed to be more of will he fit with us, what’s he like and what can he offer. She had the balance right and in any event if not successful I got a fair interview. Will let you know what happens. (Oh yes just completed the online assessment so it all may be academic anyway)

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